Conference website: | |
Submission Link: | |
Abstract registration deadline: | 01.03.2022 |
Submission deadline: | 11.03.2022 |
Romanian Surveyors Union and Transilvania University of Brașov - Faculty of Silviculture and Forest Engineering are inviting you to participate at the international conference Smart surveying solutions for sustainable development”. This event is organized in the frame of the second edition of “Romanian Surveying Week” (RSW), the most important Romanian surveying community moment of the year. The event will be held in Brașov between 26th and 30th of October, 2021.
The conference program will include special participation of special guests from National Agency for Cadastre and Land registration (ANCPI), International Federation of Surveyors (FIG), the Council of European Geodetic Surveyors (CLGE) and the Private Surveyor Association (APCGC).
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"Smart surveying solutions for sustainable development", is inspired by the 15th UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) - “Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss”.
Transylvania University of Brașov, one of the prestigious institutions, both at national and international level, along with its outstanding event initiator, Romanian Surveyors Union (UGR) member of International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) - the premier international organization that is supporting the interests of surveyors worldwide and covering the whole range of professional fields within the global surveying community-, have agreed to focus to the one of the 15th goals for sustainable development from The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015. The SDGs are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all and both, UGR and FIG, through their members, surveying professionals, have a key role to play. We are sure our event topic will hit also other Sustainable Development Goals such as: “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable” (11) or “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all” (6).
The Spatial Data infrastructure session will provide a forum to present, enhance and discuss topics related to the management of spatial data in the context of a world that is continually changing. The papers will provide insights to research that contribute to sustainable development and economic growth by smart exploitation of spatial data. Professionals will refer to topics related to: land management, land consolidation, land policies and administration, urbanization, land use planning, disaster management, smart cities or smart village concepts.
Engineering surveying is a topic that has traditionally been at the forefront of research in the land surveying domain. This session aims to enhance knowledge in this field by accommodating a wide range of presentation covering the use of engineering surveying techniques in all kinds of fields from civil construction surveying, aeronautical, mechanical, mining engineering, landslide and construction tracking. Also, the session welcomes research that includes the use of new technologies in the traditional field of engineering surveying.
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Applications of geodesy in forestry is the session that aims to present the techniques and tools specific to geodesy in collecting, analyzing and interpreting data for forestry. The purpose of the session is to encourage the exchange of ideas between scientists in the fields of geodesy and forestry and to highlight and discuss research conducted in the two fields. The topics addressed are multiple and can be related to the use of GIS and GNSS technology in forestry, remote sensing, forest photogrammetry, terrestrial and aerial laser technology, forestry cadastre, topo-geodetic networks, and surveying techniques in forestry.
"Smart surveying solutions for sustainable development" conference program will give to the participants the opportunity to present papers, debate and communicate in a professional and scientific manner, highlighting their own contribution, finding out smart technical solutions in order to protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems in the modern and challenging transforming society.
The conference program accompanied by technology expo, roundtables and forums, annual meetings and social activities organized in the program of the Romanian Surveying Week in Brasov will create the professional frame and environment for discussions, exchanging knowledge and experience among surveyors participating to the international event and dealing with above topics in their daily activity. This year we will organize an event with both on-site and on-line participation by the case.
We invite you to submit your papers by August 27, 2021. All papers should focus on the symposium theme and topics. Other related topics can be proposed after contacting the organizing committee. All the papers should be submitted through the conference website.
⇒ Submitting the abstract | March 1, 2021 |
⇒ Notification of acceptance for presentation | March 7, 2021 |
⇒ Submission of the full paper | March 11, 2021 |
The abstract should synthetically outline pertinent results, in a short but intelligible form. The abstract should begin by clearly stating the purpose of the paper and should end by formulating the most important conclusions. There will be used short, direct and complete sentences, written in a single paragraph, without “tab”-s. The abstract will have 7 to10 lines.
The abstract shall include the names and affiliations of all authors. Please feel free to submit an abstract on any topic related to the specific topics of Romanian Surveying Week, 2021. You can submit your abstract for “regular” or “short” oral presentation. A regular presentation is a 10 - 15 minutes, whereas a short means a 5 minute presentation of your topic.
One person can submit maximum two papers as main author, and maximum three papers as second author. All Abstracts shall be submitted online to the organizers on the conference website:
Technical papers ready for publication in the BULLETIN OF THE TRANSILVANIA UNIVERSITY OF BRASOV, SERIES I - ENGINEERING SCIENCES will be uploaded in the Open Journal System used by University of Brasov for management of submissions at link, where you will find Instructions for Authors, Paper Template and Copyright Agreement. Manuscripts that are sent for formal review typically go to two referees, with expertise in the pertinent subject area. The Journal is indexed in CROSSREF and EBSCO Publishing Database.
If you have any problems uploading your technical paper please contact organizers at
A display wall will be organized within the exhibition area, where the authors that are not included in the technical sessions program could present posters related to the papers. All posters should be submitted to the scientific committee for acceptance. The authors will present and offer details on the posters during the session special scheduled for this section.
For further information please visit the event website:
Brașov is a city full of life and history, surrounded by beautiful mountains and forests, being known as one of the most popular tourist attractions in Romania. For more info please visit the website:
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Technical sessions in the conference program, technology expo, forums, roundtables and other meetings in will be held in the modern and fully equipped events building, ”Sergiu T. Chiriacescu” Aula building of the Transylvania University of Brașov 41 A, Iuliu Maniu Street, Brașov, România
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