![]() Mr. Kwame Tenadu SNR. PRESIDENT – Licensed Surveyors Association of Ghana VICE PRESIDENT - International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) |
Mr. Kwame Tenadu Snr. holds a Master of Arts Degree in Environmental Management and Policy, a Land Surveyor’s License, University Diploma in Geodetic Engineering and a Certificate in Land Surveying. He is a Fellow of the Ghana Institution of Surveyors and a past Governing Council Member. He is a member of and the current President of the Licensed Surveyors Association of Ghana www.lisagh.org, a member of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) and the immediate past Chair for Commission 8 in charge of spatial planning and economic development www.fig.net. He is also an associate member of the Commonwealth Association of Surveyors and Land Economists and has had over 35 years’ experience in land surveying and land administration in both Ghana and Nigeria in West Africa.
At the moment he chairs the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) of FIG WORKING WEEK ACCRA 2024 a global event of Surveyors Kwame is the Managing Director of Geo – Zenith Limited, a firm he founded since 1993. Since 2010, Geo Zenith Limited has been rebranded to UDANET LIMITED with expanded business to include construction, engineering studies and professional capacity building consultancies for land surveying professionals in West Africa. Kwame is multi – lingual and has working knowledge level of French and Spanish. He also has over forty year’s specialist experience in surveying, land administration and management and business strategies with environmental and sustainable issues as a private sector professional. He has worked in Tanzania, Namibia, Romania, Italy and Liberia amongst several short training and workshops where he served as key resource person and has also presented several researched papers and publications at international and local conferences. |
![]() Dr. Chryssy A. Potsiou National Technical University of Athens, Greece |
Dr. Chryssy Potsiou graduated from the School for Rural & Surveying Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in 1982.
During her graduate studies she has worked as teaching assistant at the NTUA in the fields of Photogrammetry, Cadastre, and Cartography. Since 1992, she has been employed as Special Research and Teaching Scientist at the Lab of Photogrammetry, Topography Division, School for Rural and Surveying Engineering, NTUA, at a permanent position. At the same time, she has been working as a consultant in several research projects (15 of them at the NTUA) in the domains of: aerial photography of archaeological sites, cadastre and Land Administration, architectural photogrammetry, detailed photogrammetric restitutions of complicated monuments, digital photogrammetric documentation of castles, cartography and urban planning, GIS. She was participating in organizing committees of many outstanding international scientific and professional events as chair or member (i.e. FIG Comm3, International Meeting of Commission VI of ISPRS, International Symposium of CIPA, etc.), and she had an active participation to various meetings of FIG Com3, ISPRS and C.I.P.A., WPLA, EuroGeographics. Dr. Potsiou was member of Council of the Hellenic Society for Photogrammetry and RS, and served as Treasurer, for the period 1992-2003 She has been working as management advisor for educational and technical issues at the KTIMATOLOGIO S.A., agency responsible for the implementation of the Hellenic Cadastre, 1998-end of 2001 Dr. Potsiou presented and published 45 papers in various meetings and journals, give lectures at various organizations. She has been Chair of FIG WG 3.3 "State of the Art of SDIs", 2003 – 2006, and FIG Comm 3 Chair, term 2007 – 2010. Mrs. Potsiou is President of FIG , term 2015 – 2018. |
![]() Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Schroth Blom Deutschland GmbH |
Dr. Ralf W. Schroth, born in Berlin in the year 1953, studied Geodesy and Surveying from 1972 up to 1977 at the University of Stuttgart. After the probationary period for the national surveying administration in the Land Baden-Wuerttemberg he got his degree as legal surveyor in 1979. In 1985 he achieved the degree of Doktor-Ingenieur.
From 1984 till 2008 he has been working with the company Hansa Luftbild in Muenster/Germany, where he was acting in different managing positions like as managing director and member of the board of the Hansa Luftbild Group. From 2008 till 2017 Ralf Schroth has been working for the Norwegian Blom Group as managing director in Germany and Romania. Since 2017 he is co-owner and managing director of the company Blom Deutschland GmbH and director of the Romanian company Blom International Operations SRL under the ownership of HEVECO SRL. Ralf Schroth has many years of experiences in business administration and management, project management, Photogrammetry and Geo-Information Systems. From 1991 onward he was lecturer at the University of Hanover for business administration and management for surveying engineers, at the Institute of Geomatics at the Polytechnic University of Barcelona and at the Applied University in Stuttgart. In 1997 he got the appointment as honorary Professor from the University of Hanover. In the years 2003 till 2006 he was vice president at the FIG. |
![]() Dr. Orhan Ercan |
Dr. Orhan Ercan He had his BSc at 1983, MSc at 1988 and PhD at 1997.
He worked as executive staff at `Turkish National Spatial Data Infrastructure (preparatory works) phase I and II` and Land Registry and Cadastre Information System (TAKBIS) Projects. He was the critical research staff worked at CORS-TR project group. After retiring from the Turkish General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre, he worked in the private sector for several years. Besides, he has been involved in various geodetic and surveying – photogrammetric mapping, regional/urban planning, agriculture-based land use planning, software development, consultancy etc. projects in Turkey, Libya, Saudi Arabia and neighbouring countries. He had published/presented more than 50 papers for various academic journals/congress. He served as the Vice President of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) in 2017-2021. He is currently UN-GGIM Land Administration Expert Group member as a FIG representative and works as a lecturer at Department of Real Estate Development and Management, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Ankara University. |
![]() Eng. Maurice Barbieri |
Maurice Barbieri was graduated in 1986 as Dipl. Kulturingenieur at the Polytechnic School of Zurich (ETH). He passed the Surveyor’s Federal State exam in 1988 and he became Publicly Appointed Surveyor. He owns the companies Géodétec (Surveying office) and SIT-Conseil (GIS office). His companies are active in Switzerland and abroad.
From 1998 to 2009 he was member of the Ex-Board of IGS (Ingenieur-Geometer Schweiz, Surveyors Association of Switzerland) and President from 2009. To 2015. From 2010 to 2014, he was Chair of CLGE / IG PARLS (Interest Group of Publicly Appointed Surveyors of the European Council of Surveyors), and from 2014 to 2020 President of the CLGE. Since 2020 he is Project Director for the EU Project “GISCAD-OV”. He is married and has four children, and in his free time he enjoys cooking, wine and cigars and practices skiing and basketball. |
![]() Eng. Thomas Jacubeit |
Thomas Jacubeit was graduated in 1990 as Diplom-Ingenieur at the Technical University Berlin. He was Referendar at the Senatsverwaltung für Bau- und Wohnungswesen (SenBauWohn) Berlin and passed the Second State Exam with the degree Vermessungsassessor in 1993.
From 1993 – 1997 he did cadastral work in an office of two Publicly Appointed Property Surveyors (Öffentlich bestellter Vermessungsingenieur, ÖbVI). 1997 he was approved as ÖbVI in Falkensee, State of Brandenburg. 2017 he became Vice-Chair of the Standard Setting Committee of the International Land Measurement Standard (ILMS-SSC) and Vice-President of BDVI (Bund der Öffentlich bestellten Vermessungsingenieure, Council of Publicly Appointed Property Surveyors Germany). Since 2018 he is Vice-President of CLGE (Council of European Geodetic Surveyors) and since 2020 Chair of EUREAL (European Real Estate Area Label) and Vice-Chair of IGPARLS (Interest Group of Publicly Appointed and Regulated Liberal Surveyors). Thomas has two grown-up children, in his leisure time he ́s riding racing cycle, watching exhibitions and listening to music. He also enjoys painting in oil. |
![]() Ionut Savoiu President of UGR |
Mr. Ionut Savoiu, is Director of Business Developemt at Molbak Proiect, Romania.
Between 2012 and 2016 Mr. Savoiu was member of The Romanian Parliament – Vice-president of IT&C Commission. From 2005 to 2012, he was country managing director of Blom Romania and international consultant in Blom International. During the Blom Romania period, Ionut Savoiu was in charge of business development, sales and projects in Romania and countries in East Europe. Further Ionut was responsible of mapping and GIS production for Blom Group. In 2004, he was appointed as Deputy General Manager of National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration (NACLR), Romania. He is honorary advisor to the Board of the Romanian Surveyors Association. Ionut Savoiu graduated from Faculty of Geodesy – Technical University for Construction Bucharest, Romania. His diploma was prepared at Institute for Photogrammetry – Hannover University, Germany. He holds an MBA at IEDC - School of management Bled, Slovenia. Starting with December 2018 Ionut Savoiu is the new President of UGR. |
![]() Prof. PhD. Eng. Cornel Paunescu General Manager Cornel & Cornel Topoexim |
Mr. Cornel Paunescu is member of the Romanian Surveyors Union since 1990 and he was elected as President in 2014. He is Vice President of Association of private surveyors.
Starting with 1991 Mr. Paunescu is professor PhD. Eng. at the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, University of Bucharest. During this period he was the author of several courses of geodesy, topography and GNSS. He is General Director at Cornel & Cornel Topoexim SRL since 1994. He was involved in developing the works of national interest with National Agency for Cadastre and Land registration, CNCFR S.A, National Airport Company S.A., OMV Petrom S.A., Hidroelectrica S.A. |