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Important Announcement!

Dear participants,
Romanian Surveyor Union together with Transilvania University from Brașov are resuming the organization of the Romanian Surveying Week, the most important event of the Romanian surveyors community, which was postponed at the end of October 2021.
The second edition of the Romanian Surveying Week will be hosted by the Transilvania University from Brașov, in "Sergiu T. Chiriacesu" Aula, between March 15 and 19, 2022. Considering the pandemic evolution in Romania, the conditions of participating at the event will be announced in due time.
As previously announced, all the sponsorships and paid fees are still valid.

Looking forward to welcoming you, in March, in Brașov!

Stimați participanți,
Uniunea Geodezilor din România împreună cu Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov anunță reluarea organizării celei de-a doua ediții a Săptămânii Geodeziei Românești, cel mai important eveniment al comunității geodezilor din România, ce a fost amânat la sfârșitul lunii octombrie 2021.
Cea de-a doua ediție a Săptămânii Geodeziei Românești va avea loc în perioada 15 - 19 martie 2022, în Aula ”Sergiu T. Chiriacesu” a Universității Transilvania din Brașov. În funcție de evoluția situație pandemice în România vor fi anunțate condițiile de participare la manifestările din cadrul Evenimentului.
Așa cum a fost anunțat anterior toate sponsorizările și taxele achitate își păstrează valabilitatea.

Vă așteptăm cu drag, în martie, la Brașov!

Rákosi-Seiwarth Ildikó
President General Director of
National Agency of Cadastre and
Land Registration

Prof. dr. eng.
Alexandru-Lucian Curtu
Dean of the Faculty of Silviculture and Forest Engineering

Nicolae Iliaș
President of Section X -Petroleum,
Mining Engineering and Geonomy of Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences

Assoc. Prof. dr. eng.
Irinel Constantin Greșiță
Executive Director of
Romanian Surveyor Week 2021

Prof. dr. eng.
Petre Iuliu Dragomir
Interim President of
Romanian Surveyors Union

It is our great pleasure to invite you to the 2nd edition of Romanian Surveying Week (Săptămâna Geodeziei Românești, SGR) between 15th and 19th of March, 2022, hosted by Brașov, Romania. This year, SGR will be organized by Romanian Surveyors Union (UGR) in collaboration with Transylvania University of Brașov - Faculty of Silviculture and Forest Engineering (UNIT Brasov). Romanian National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration and Technical Sciences Academy of Romania are this year event’s co-organizers.

International conference "Smart surveying solutions for sustainable development" will be the central moment of the event and it will give to the participants the opportunity to present papers, debate and communicate in a professional and scientific manner, highlighting their own contribution, finding out smart technical solutions in order to protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems in the modern and challenging transforming society. Special sessions dedicated to Young Surveyors will have a special focus and support from our side.

The international conference accompanied by roundtables and forums, annual meetings and social activities organized in the program of the Romanian Surveying Week in Brașov, will create the professional frame and environment for discussions, exchanging knowledge and experience among surveyors participating to the international event and dealing with above topics in their daily activity.

In the technology expo sponsors and participants will present the latest technologies, posters and projects.
The participants have the opportunity to publish their presentations, including posters, in English, full – paper, after peer-review evaluation, as research article or short communication in the Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brașov, Series I – Engineering Sciences (indexed in CROSSREF and EBSCO Publishing Database).
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Transylvania, in the heart or Romania, at Brasov, on 15th of March 2022.

Download invitation here

About Us

Alexandru-Lucian Curtu
Alexandru-Lucian Curtu

It is our great pleasure to host the 2nd Romanian Surveying Week, the most important event of the Romanian surveying community in 2021. We welcome you to Brașov and the Transilvania University of Brașov, Faculty of Silviculture and Forest Engineering, an institution with tradition in providing education in the field of surveying engineering.

The event of this year is focused on "Smart surveying solutions for sustainable development", a theme that is relevant and timely. In today’s world, when our society has to face challenges such as climate change and economic turbulence due to the Covid19 pandemic, sustainable development is the key factor that decides the quality of living and the countries’ competiveness.

Regardless of your particular area of interest and scientific expertise, we hope that our international event will encourage you to explore and expand your interest in a broad array of current topics in surveying engineering, strengthen ties with peers and friends, and develop new relationships and collaborative research projects.

I wish you a successful conference and a pleasant time in Brașov.

Prof. Dr. Eng. Alexandru-Lucian Curtu
Dean, Faculty of Silviculture and Forest Engineering - Transilvania University of Brașov

inut Savoiu
Petre Iuliu Dragomir

For the geodesy in Romania, the sucessor of the oldest engineering profession - border engineers, certified since 1818, the appearance in 2019, in addition to the university scientific events, of the "ROMANIAN SURVEYING WEEK" was the biggest and most important event for geodesy, geoinformation and land management.

"Smart surveying solutions for sustainable development": this theme is the expression of one of the important concerns, not only for the field of geodesy, for the coming years.

Technological progress plays a central role in achieving this goal. In terms of sensors and measurement technology, there are significant developments in the area of precise positioning and faster acquisition of ever-increasing data sets. In addition to drones, robotic processes are becoming increasingly important. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are increasingly used in assessment and analysis. In the field of digital models, BIM has a remarkable position.

We hope that at ROMANIAN SURVEYING WEEK 2022, hosted this year by Transilvania University from Brașov, at the Faculty of Forestry and Forestry Engineering, these topics will be present and intensely discussed from the perspective of geodesy, geoinformation and land management in technical sessions, professional topics and exhibitions.

The organizing committee has done everything to be ready to provide you with an attractive visit to Brasov, Transylvania, in the heart of Romania!

Prof. dr. eng. Petre Iuliu Dragomir
Interim President of Romanian Surveyors Union

Constantin Irinel Greșiță
Constantin Irinel Greșiță

As our professional union promised, the most important event of our professional guild continues with the second edition that will take place in the center of the country in Brașov. Because the first ideas on sustainable development appeared in the forestry field, we consider that the location chosen for this year's event, in an area surrounded by the richest forests of the country and hosted by an university with a tradition in the field can only be a good premise regarding the success of the event.

We see every day the importance of our profession whose applications are found into a multitude of areas essential for the economic development of the country and aware of this we intend to debate and propose solutions to the encountered problems meet by professionals in their daily activity. We also hope that the three sections of scientific communications will provide the opportunity for the participants to present their research and achievements, thus contributing to the professional development of those who work in the field and who have the opportunity to publish their presentations in English, full - paper, after peer-review evaluation, as research article or short communication in Bulletin of Transilvania University (indexed in prestigious international data bases).

We believe that this event will bring together specialists in the field of geodesy and those who use the products of our work, regardless of how or where they practice their profession and we invite you to actively participate for a few days in this special moment in our union's life that will include technical sessions, debates on professional subjects and technical exhibitions.

Assoc.Prof.PhD.Eng. Constantin Irinel Greșiță
Executive Director of SGR 2021, Faculty of Silviculture and Forest Engineering – Transilvania University of Brașov

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