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Paper Submission USAMV Cluj-Napoca

It is important that all submitted papers focus on the following theme Geodesy, Geomatics and Property Valuation

Short List of Features
The abstract of a paper (oral presentation or poster) will be submitted online, within the deadline mentioned above (15th of July 2019), and the Section, the Field and the Type of presentation (oral – O or poster – P) will be mentioned.

In separate fields, the Title of the paper (max. 145 characters, with spaces), the Authors and the Affiliation of the authors (with the mention of the corresponding author) will be included.

The abstract (max. 2500 characters, Times New Roman font 12, single spacing; 2.5 cm margins) must include the following components: Keywords (3 to 5 keywords, in alphabetical order), Introduction; Materials and methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusions; References (max. 3 references) and acknowledgment. It will be reviewed only if the sections Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusion have at least 1100 characters including spacing. Click here for the abstract template.

After the notification of the acceptance of the abstract as an oral presentation (O) or a poster (P), the main or corresponding author may send his/her full paper for possible publication as a research article or a short communication, in BUASVM journals. Please see the instructions for authors and guidelines on the journals’ websites.

Oral Presentations

Participants who have papers accepted as oral presentations will confirm their effective participation in the Conferencein order to be included in the final scientific program (no later than September 1st, 2019).

In case the oral presentation does not take place, they will inform in due time the Organizing Committee of the section concerned (see Local Organizing Committee). In this case, if the full text paper sent for publication is accepted, they will pay the mentioned publication fee (400 lei/article), as shown above (see Publication of presentations). Click here for the research template.

Authors instructions can be downloaded here

The conference rooms will be equipped with projectors and computers. Internet access will be available at all times during the conference.

Poster presentations

Participants who have papers accepted as posters will confirm their effective participation in the Conference in order to be included in the final scientific program (no later than September 1st, 2019). Posters will be displayed in the morning of September 26th 2019, in the hall of the Life Sciences Institute and will be presented in the sections where they are registered. The authors will be asked to present their posters according to the poster number specified in the program of the Conference. The required size: max. 594mm x 841mm(A1).

Details on the terms and conditions for the publication of presentations, as well as the instructions to the authors are available on the website: journals.usamvcluj.ro. Additional information can be obtained by email: biroupublicatii@usamvcluj.ro
